All Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions for Honkai Star Rail

If you’ve reached Penacony in Honkai: Star Rail, that likely means you’ve explored around in previous regions and stumbled on various special puzzles. Each region has a few unique puzzles that make the exploration fun, and Dream Ticker is one such puzzle for the Land of Dreams.

You can find the icons for this puzzle when you look around the map, but keep in mind that they’re only found in the Dreamscape version of Penacony. You have to guide Clockie through a path so that he can get all the gears to finish the puzzle.

Updated on February 26, 2024, by Sanyam Jain: All the Dream Ticker puzzle solutions from the Hanu’s Prison Break event have been added to this guide.

Golden Hour Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions

You can find a total of four Dream Ticker puzzles in the Golden Hour area, but some of them might be hidden in an unrevealed part of the map. Here are all their solutions:

Dream Ticker Name



Move the yellow block to the left so that it aligns with the platform that Clockie is standing on. Next, rotate the orange block twice and then use the mirror to create a path and get the first gear. Finally, simply rotate the orange block once more to make the path to the second gear.


The first path can easily be created by moving the yellow block to the left. Move the yellow block to the far right and you can then move around the mirror to create a path.


There are two yellow blocks in this one. To create the first path, you have to move the block near Clockie’s platform to the left first. Keep the mirror roughly in the middle and you’ll get the path to the first gear. The second path can be created by keeping the mirror on the left side and aligning the other yellow block with it.


There will be two yellow blocks once again for this puzzle. One will have its smaller face on the mirror’s side while the other one has a larger face. Move the mirror with smaller face down, slide the larger face mirror to the left, and move the small face mirror back up to create the first path. For the second path, move the small face mirror down again and take the large one to the right side. Now, bring the small one back up and connect the large one with it. Finally, you can move the mirror around till a path emerges.

Dream’s Edge Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions

Dream’s Edge has the least number of Dream Ticker puzzles, and here are your solutions:

Dream Ticker Name



To get the first gear, start by rotating the orange block twice so that it faces the opposite direction from the original. After that, move the lower yellow block to the left and open up the blue block by clicking on it. Move the mirror around to get the path. For the second gear, keep everything in the same position except moving the upper yellow block right beside the orange one. To get the final block, move the upper yellow block back up and rotate the orange block till it’s facing the bottom left side. Join the lower yellow block on the right side of the orange block and then move the mirror to the middle to get a path.


The first path here is quite simple. Rotate the blue block twice and align it with the yellow one to get the gear. For the second path, rotate the blue block so that you can move the yellow one upward. Once it’s up, place the blue block’s face on the bottom right side. Adjust the mirror all the way to the left to get your path.


Rotate the blue block two times to get the first gear. Rotate it two more times and move the mirror to the middle to get the second one.

A Child’s Dream Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions

You can find a total of three Dream Ticker puzzles in this area as well, and here are all your solutions:

Dream Ticker Name



This one will have three yellow blocks. Move the top one to the left until its left end is aligned with the platform that Clockie is on. Next, connect the vertical yellow block to this top block and then align the bottom block’s left end with the vertical block. Move the mirror to the right to make a path. Simply move the vertical block to the bottom to get the second gear.


First gear can be acquired by moving the mirror to the middle, yellow block to the lowest point, and rotating the blue block twice. For the second gear, rotate the blue block once more and move the mirror a little to the left.


Rotate both the orange blocks once to get the first gear. Rotate the upper orange block once, move the yellow block beside the orange one, and move the mirror a bit to the left of the middle to get the second one. Finally, you can get the third gear by just rotating the lower orange block once and moving the mirror a bit.

The Reverie Dreamscape Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions

This area has five main Dream Ticker puzzles with one special puzzle that you can’t see on the map. The special puzzle can be found near the Space Anchor with a small room to its right.

Dream Ticker Name



Rotate the blue block once and move the mirror a little to the left from the center to align the path for the first gear. Move the orange block to the bottom near the second gear and rotate the blue block two more times to solve the puzzle.


For the first gear, rotate the orange block once and the lower blue block with equal length on each bar three times. The second gear can be acquired by making the larger bar of the other blue block face the left side. You can then move the mirror to the middle.


For the first gear, simply rotate the blue block once and move the yellow one all the way to the right. Second gear can be acquired by just moving the mirror a bit to the right.


For the first gear, rotate the blue block near Clockie’s platform three times and then move the mirror to the center. Next, make the other blue platform face the bottom left side and move the mirror to the left if you want to get the last gear.


To get the first gear, hit the blue block once so that it goes sideways and push the orange block up so that it connects with the gear’s platform. Take the yellow block all the way down and you’ll get the gear. For the second block, move the mirror all the way to the right and take the yellow platform up just enough so that the blue platform can rotate upward. The final gear can be acquired by first rotating the orange block to the right side and moving the mirror all the way to the left. Next, make the longer bar of the blue block face downward and connect the orange and blue blocks with the yellow one.

Special Ticker

For this gear, rotate the orange block once so that it faces the bottom right side. Then, move the vertical yellow block to the same height as the orange block. Finally, move the horizontal yellow block up until its upper end aligns with the vertical block.

Once you have all 15 Dream Tickers solved apart from the special one, you can head over to the Dream Ticker Supervisor and hand over all the blocks to him to get a special reward.

Hanu’s Prison Break Dream Ticker Puzzle Solutions

Hanu’s Prison Break is a permanent event in Honkai: Star Rail that features a bunch of puzzles that you can normally find on Penacony. The Dream Ticker puzzles in the event are divided into Shallow and Deep Dreamscapes, and here are all their solutions:

Shallow Dreamscape Solutions




For the first gear, simply rotate the orange block twice so that it faces the left side and move the yellow box to the platform that Clockie is standing on. To get the second gear, move the mirror to the left and rotate the orange block once.


Rotate the orange block twice and make the blue one’s longer side face the left to get your first gear. You can get the second gear by simply moving the mirror a little to the right.

Deep Dreamscape Solutions




Rotate the orange block on the right twice so that its sides face the platform with the gear and the mirror. Next, rotate the other orange block thrice for the first gear. You’ll get the second gear with the same setup as long as you didn’t move the mirror. Move the mirror to the right and connect the yellow block with it to get the last gear.


For the first gear, move the yellow platform all the way to the right and move the mirror in the same direction. Make the yellow platform’s top edge align with the platform that has the second gear. Now, rotate the blue block thrice and adjust the mirror to get it.


For the first gear here, you have to rotate the blue block thrice and then join both yellow blocks with it. Move the mirror all the way to the right for the second gear. Finally, move the mirror to the left and move the upper yellow block to the left by just one block.


Rotate the orange block thrice, the blue block once, and move the yellow block to the right to get your first gear. For the final gear, make the orange block face the mirror and the face of the blue block, which is the side between the two planks, face the top left side. Connect the two blocks with the yellow one and move the mirror to the right side.


For the first gear, simply rotate the orange block and the left blue block once. The face for the orange and left blue block should face the bottom right direction for the second gear. Connect the longer side of the right blue block with the left one. Simply rotate the right blue block a couple of times to get the final gear.