What is the Gacha Rates for Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD?

Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD is an upcoming reboot of a prior Date A Live gacha game that came out late last year in 2021. The game is set for re-release on the 17th of June and will feature a new experience and new gacha rates from their previous game. Players on the CN (Chinese) Server have already gotten their hands on beta versions of this game and are playing as we speak.

The Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD release features a new rate with a pity feature built-in as well as a soft-pity however they have unfortunately also taken a step out of Genshin Impact’s pity system and built a 50/50 chance to get the banner featured character. If you lose the banner featured character you will get a standard 5 star character instead, although it is still a 5 star character players might be disappointed at not getting the banner character. It is yet to be seen if banner pity also carries over version updates similar to Genshin Impact, we would imagine they would as they are copying many similar concepts.

Although this is still better than before as it allows players to guarantee the character and plan out their savings better it will still cost a lot to get certain banner characters. Our best advice is to follow the guide to budgeting in gacha games and make sure you are not pulled along into spending money on every banner or any banner if you cannot afford it.

Rates for the gacha banner seem to be observed as below by a player on Bilibili

5 Star Pick up Character chance: 0.2%

5 Star Pick up Sephira Chance: 0.3%

Credits: 林敬轩罗德斯 Bilibili

What can we expect on the global release of Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD?

Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD will feature quite a large amount of new events and content which new players and old players will definitely want to take advantage of when it is released. The new events would likely be one of the main sources of rolls for many players for the banner to be run and we will definitely be keeping an eye on it.

There will also likely be some sort of spending or 2x premium currency event available to entice players to spend on the game. Following our main advice with gacha games however we do not recommend spending on the game immediately, if players want to spend any money for a featured character it is better to wait it out until the last day of the banner and use the money to buy Battle Passes or 30 Day Passes which are common. Although Date A Live is removing a lot of older mechanics standard gacha purchases like these should still be available in the game.

Is date a live spirit pledge f2p?

It’s hard to say yet if Date A Live’s gacha game re-release witll be F2P friendly and low spending friendly. What we do know is that pity rates are usually good for players however this also depends on how much premium currency and gacha rolls are given out to players. As this is a re-release and they did not do amazingly well before we would imagine the Developers would aim to be more generous this time around to make sure they can keep a decent playerbase.

The events in the game will be what will tell us if they will give a lot of rolls for F2P players. Events in gacha games are usually the most telling sign of how generous the games are alongside daily features and any form of method to grind the rolls.

For now, we will hold our verdict on how F2P friendly Date A Live Spirit Pledge will be however we have high hopes for the game as there is quite a decent amount of money being invested for this re-release for characters and voice actors!

Watch the video below for some gameplay footage of Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD from the CN Server!