Shikanoin Heizou – New Genshin Impact Character Demo

Shikanoin Heizou is the first male catalyst and has the most unique skills in the game so far in terms of animation.

Shikanoin Heizou – 4 Star Anemo Catalyst

Heizou is a detective from Inazuma who works for the Tenryou Commission as a skilled agent known for his intelligence and ability to problem solve difficult cases, in a way he is sort of a counterpart to Yelan from Inazuma who fulfils an almost similar role. He was first mentioned in Ayaka’s voice-overs in her profile and was guessed by keen Genshin Impact players to be a new character. He was also frequently mentioned by other characters and his name was seen on Inazuma’s bulletin boards.

Heizou will be available to pull in Version 2.8 of Genshin Impact which will release next Wednesday, July 13th.

“Doushin Shikanoin has admirable wit and insight. While he is unfettered and unrestrained in demeanor, one should not dismiss his talents. The Tenryou Commission is incredibly fortunate to have such a man in their ranks.”

Description of Heizou by Kamisato Ayato

What is Heizou’s skill and kit in Genshin Impact?

Heizou is unique in Genshin in the sense that he actually punches and kicks in his animations and is effective at dealing out multiple combo attacks in quick succession since his E elemental skill and Q Ultimate skill can be easily weaved into his combos.

Shikanoin Heizou E Skill – Heartstopper Strike

This skill charges up to a maximum of 4 charges to unleash a devastating anemo attack with high scaling. The skill can be easily weaved in depending on the situation and looks to be useful for a variety of team compositions.

Shikanoin Heizou – Ultimate Skill Windmuster Kick

Heizou leaps into the air to perform a devastating flying kick dealing anemo damage at enemies in front of him. This skill looks to have some level of suction as well for grouping of enemies although it does not look as strong as Venti or Kazuha. This makes sense considering his rarity.

Who is the voice actor for Shikanoin Heizou?

The English voice actor for Shikanoin Heizou is Kieran Regan and his Japanese voice will be provided by IGUCHI Yuichi. IGUCHI Yuichi is known for playing roles in anime like Max Alors from Fairy Tale, Silas in the Asterisk War, and Saji in Highschool DxD.

The cast of voice actors from Hoyoverse has always been impressive and we look forward to seeing more of how they can immerse players into the world of Teyvat.

Should I pull for Shikanoin Heizou?

4 star characters in Genshin Impact can often be harder to obtain than a 5 star character. However, there is always hope of pulling Shikanoin Heizou! The banner he will be on is the Kazuha and Klee banners so players will be able to choose between either of them. The most valuable banner will be Kazuha’s banner as he is a solid high rank 5 star unit in Genshin Impact and will provide a lot of value to players who do not have him yet. For players who already have Klee or Kazuha, the constellations for Kazuha are also worth pursuing up to C2 or Constellation 2 which will provide the team with additional Elemental Mastery and also increase his own damage bonus.

Pulling for characters should always be done with caution and we recommend reading our guide on gacha gaming to make sure you are not overspending on gacha games!

Watch more of Shikanoin Heizou here!